Marty the armadillyou
Marty the armadillyou
why is there a box of tissues...
I didn't know what to draw and there is a box of tissues on my desk so I thought "why not"
That's OKAY, do you see how often I post?
I love this more than I probably should
thank you for your art, it always seems to make me happy. today wasn't goof but I decided to check my newgrounds and you made me happier. thank you for doing this you and your art are amazing, as always,
Hey thanks, that means a lot. I've been taking a small break from art because I feel a little tired but I really appreciate it. I'm glad I can make you happy. Thank you so much
Zaza the weedhog
smokin weed is bad for your lungs!!1!1!
I love this
Everyone I know assumes I draw porn
Seat tester
*funny school name*
Inside of earth’s crust
Joined on 10/1/23